
#spirituality #God #Universe #Love #self-help

For me spirituality is about God. God is love and love is God. When I think of God I think of all things as God gave life so that we could share in all things.


Our Spiritual Path and Symbol of the Archangel Zophiel


The simple concepts that I presented above are much more complex in how we interpret them. Our actions speak loudly in our understanding of what it means when we say we are spiritual. For example, I could climb up to a high mountain meadow, sit down, and silently pray to God. I could sit there praying for hours, days, or weeks and people could pass by me and say, “that is a very spiritual person.” Perhaps they would be right, perhaps not. If I separate myself from all things that God has given me then I may be lost in self absorption.  If I am lost is self absorption then it will be hard to claim that I am spiritual.

Spirituality is about love and compassion. Spirituality is about working with people and those that are both close and far from you. The closest person to you is yourself and you are your most challenging student. You must understand that if you cannot teach yourself then how can you ever teach another?

I thought to tell a story here about another but I stopped. I asked myself what right I had to make such a judgement. My best example to give is always about what I have did and the many challenges that I have faced, face now, and will face. There was a time many years ago that I sought out help from the US Army Mental Hygiene office and then from a local church clergy. Neither office could help me then because I was lost in self absorption and self pity. I went through some very dark times and through that darkness I finally saw a flicker of light. No, there was not an immediate “wang/bang” explosion and then some sort of “enlightenment.” Rather, I discovered there was someone else in the world besides myself.

God gave us a beautiful gift that allows us to reproduce. The reproductive design is very amazing if not miraculous and to top it off he attached many nerves to enhance the physical feeling during the process and then added a couple of extra attributes that would allow us to know the beauty of pure love. Have you ever thought of it that way? Have you ever thought that the design was intended to help us understand perhaps God’s heart as he created all things?

Look there, my granddaughter is upset because she cannot control all things. My daughter is upset because she cannot stop her daughter from being upset. Grandma is upset because her daughter and granddaughter are fighting and my daughter’s husband is upset because the anger will soon be turned toward him. Grandpa watches it all and wonders why this all happens this way as he recalls the words that tell him there is good in all things, you just need to find it. Grandpa struggles to find a solution and then pulls out is phone and starts up the camera. “Look everyone,” he says, “let me record this session for you.” Suddenly everyone calms down, the night has become peaceful once again and then we start the process of working on one problem at a time. Everything will always be ok if we let love lead the way but we must first find something that allows us to get our attention to where it should be.

We should first learn to love ourselves. You will know you have achieved this first step when you are free of anxiety that is created by worry of what another may say, do or has. Self love means that you do not cycle between happy and sad based on the whims and emotions of another. Rather, you are very comfortable with who you are.

The second step is learning to love God. To fully understand yourself you need to understand from where you come and why you exist. This discovery will not be some esoteric revelation but rather a simple understanding. With that understanding you will come to realize that there are others who have came from the same source. Now you are ready for step three.

On step three you look at the miracle of life. At this step you see your parents, siblings, spouse and children differently. When you look at them you realize the wondrous joy of sharing a common background or chosen connection for future creation. At this step you let your heart open to experience the universe around you. You are now ready for step four.

At step four you discover the universe. At this step you discovery your own connection to the universe and learn that all creation comes from the same source.  At this step you learn to love everyone equally and without judgement.

I have given you a very simple outline toward spiritual development. The spiritual path is not a short path that is accomplished in a day, week, month or year. The outline that I presented may not be achievable in a single lifetime. Today we must not worry too much about where we have been before. Today let us look at where we are now, then look to where you can be tomorrow. No matter how daunting it may seem all things are possible if you let love lead the way.

Spirituality if about God. God is love.

God loves you always, unconditionally and with infinity.

Love always





2 thoughts on “Spirituality

  1. Steve Finnell


    Estimated net worth of some well known preachers.

    1. Pat Robertson 100 million.
    2. Benny Hinn 42 million.
    3. Joel Osteen 40 million.
    4. Billy Graham 25 million.
    5. Risk Warren 25 million.
    6. T.D. Jakes 18 million.
    7. Max Lucado 10 million.
    8. Franklin Graham 10 million.
    9. Joyce Meyer 8 million.
    10. Creflo Dollar 27 million.

    The list of millionaire apostles that walked with Jesus.


    That is correct there were no millionaire apostles.

    Mark 4:19 but the worries of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. (NASB)

    Matthew 19:23 And Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. (NASB)

    Matthew 6:19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and thieves break in and steal. (NASB)

    1 Timothy 6:9 But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction. (NASB)

    1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is the root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs. (NASB)

    Titus 1:10-11 For there are many rebellious men, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision, 11 who must be silenced because they are upsetting whole families, teaching things they should not teach for the sake of sordid gain. (NASB)

    Are there contemporary rebellious preachers denying the word of God in order to gain wealth? Are some preachers knowingly teaching the false doctrines of their denominations in order to keep the money flowing.

    Most denominational preachers would be fired if they preached the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Preaching from the Bible and the Bible alone can hazardous to your employment.

    YOU ARE INVITED TO FOLLOW MY BLOG>> steve-finnell.blogspot.com


    1. perspectivesauthor Post author

      Thanks for taking the time to comment, however, I am not certain on how your comment pertains to the subject of spirituality. Are you saying that your list of evangelist are or are not spiritual? Are you saying that the door to God is closed if you have money? Are you saying something else.
      I would rather you present a concise statement than quote Bible verse. I cannot find any lesson in a single Bible verse. To understand what was written you must read the entire chapter, research the time of the writing and if possible the author. Next you need to know the version of the Bible that was used and also which interpretation. I do concur with your last statement about most denominational preachers risk of preaching truth but do not understand that reference and the second sentence.
      If you have time to clarify/expand your comment it may help.



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